
The Journal of Inklings Studies (originally the C.S. Lewis Chronicle) was founded in 2005 by the Oxford C.S. Lewis Society, with Judith Wolfe as founding General Editor. The journal’s two principal aims are

  • to lead and support the growing field of C.S. Lewis and Inklings Studies
  • to test and develop the potential of C.S. Lewis and his circle to be serious intellectual conversation partners for scholars in theology, philosophy and literature more widely.

The journal pursues these aims by

  • publishing original source materials by its subject authors, together with high-quality scholarly commentary and analysis  (especially in the newly launched Inklings Studies Supplements)
  • developing and publishing cutting-edge academic engagement with the thought of C.S. Lewis and his circle by scholars both within Inklings Studies and in other disciplines
  • publishing free, open access book reviews of academic books published in the subject area.

The journal is sponsored by the Oxford C.S. Lewis Society, the Owen Barfield Literary Estate, the Charles Williams Society, and the G.K. Chesterton Library. It appears twice annually in print and online. It is peer-reviewed and indexed in the MLA.

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